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Rubrika: Sober living

What Is Gustatory Rhinitis? What Causes It and How It’s Treated

Sneezing sends up to 40,000 tiny droplets from your mouth and nose into the air or on nearby surfaces. If someone else breathes in these droplets or touches a surface where they land, they can get symptoms of infection. People can also have an oral allergy syndrome — a reaction to fresh fruit and vegetables […]

Sober Living Insurance Coverage and Payment Options

When searching for a sober living home, choose an environment that best supports your sobriety. Every sober living home is different—in terms of structure and rules—so it’s important to do your research and ask questions before committing to pay rent. Residents may be expected to share the costs of water, electricity, trash, internet, and transportation […]

The Dangers of Drinking After Work: What You Need to Know The Recovery Village Cherry Hill at Cooper Drug and Alcohol Rehab

In some settings, mechanisms for social control are disabled, while in others, they are enabled, shaping the drinking behaviors of employees. The presence of liquor stores in certain communities, particularly among minority populations, can increase access to alcohol, influencing social drinking habits. Furthermore, cultural factors such as beliefs, attitudes, subjective norms, and expectancies about alcohol […]

One Week Sober: What to Expect in Early Sobriety

Fortunately, cognitive impairments created by alcohol are reversible with abstinence. Of course, even if your goal isn’t abstinence, reducing alcohol consumption to light alcohol brain fog or moderate levels is going to help. Either way, the good news is that your brain can restore its natural chemical levels and even return to normal functioning. How To Get Rid […]