Inspirace je silou, která probouzí touhu po vlastní dokonalosti...
Inspirace je silou, která probouzí touhu po vlastní dokonalosti...


television Lesbians vs. Actuality Lesbians – HER

So is this the real life, or maybe just males‘ fantasy?  Lesbians on display screen.

After a lengthy day at the high-powered job, that you put on a tailored suit, isn’t really it fantastic to catch with the impossibly appealing cohort of lesbian pals within local gay-owned café-cum-live music venue?  Perchance you’ll bump directly into the a large number of manicured, tanned, available and curious women that simply casually factory around at one of the numerous well-attended, trendy nights that you repeated.

And after that you realise you have simply woken right up out of your 3rd L-Word themed dream this month, and television lesbians aren’t since plentiful when you’d like.

television lesbians tend to be unusual creatures; couple of, if any, are well adjusted.  Many seem to show deep seated mental issues, have medicine issues, and if you don’t’ve had the head in a bucket for the past few weeks, you’ll have realized that most TV lesbians tend to be, really, incarcerated.  Without a doubt, since Anna Friel had gotten about televisual lady-love bandwagon, we have been permanently grateful for at least some representation on tv and in motion pictures.  Its outstanding observe lady-loving on tv, although we understand from knowledge that they will end up being murdered because of the authors.   Perhaps the insufferably dull types which find a way to hold-down a full time task several semblance of normality end up receiving struck by taxis.  It appears no tv lesbian is safe from inevitable gunshot, murderer or rogue parachute saboteur.

Terrible demises aside, have you really found a television or flick lesbian which you really relate with, or do they just perpetuate the stereotypical idea that we are only part timers, looking forward to the proper man to come along?  Piper, Tina, Jules – we’re taking a look at you.

As a femme girl myself,  i want to see just a bit of femme-on-femme action, perving aside, since if they truly are more widespread in conventional media, this means people will stop asking me once I will attend my personal ceremonial head shaving and sensible boots presentation.  I’m able to entirely understand why people who you shouldn’t put by themselves into a particular media-friendly pigeonhole sense unrepresented though, because simply, television lesbians tend to be bizarre caricatures of themselves.

It seems if you ask me as if there is a few perform offending functions right here:

I’m drop dead gorgeous, consistently disillusioned by my numerous as well as other interactions with young men and ready to experiment with a naïve younger lesbian who will fall hopelessly crazy about me and die internally as I undoubtedly go back to guys.

I am very BUTCH I’m able to barely perform without clenching my fists, flexing my highly tattooed arms and spitting at inopportune moments.  We talk merely in grunts, sneers and manly farts. I was to jail one or more times.

I’m doing this many different types of drugs today, in order for i may handle my personal daddy issues and terrible childhood that has left me personally with an insatiable appetite for women while the mental stability of a weeble.

I am a militant man-hater which harvests her very own leg hair to stuff pillows sewn from hemp.  I don’t eat anything made of meals, and I believe people that drive cars tend to be giants.

Last but not least,

I’m appealing, typical, holds down employment and a warm relationship.  My Personal sweetheart and I also are simply just referring to obtaining a puppy together…

…Oh wait, i simply passed away in a tragic boating collision.